Over 61 million young workers are flooding the labor force. Born after 1996, this newest group, called Generation Z, are rolling up their sleeves and want to make a difference for their employers. In return, they expect more than a paycheck. They want employers to provide training programs that will help them grow and develop professional skills. But not just any training will do. Gen Zers want training that captures their attention and fits their needs. Here are seven tips to create the training Generation Z employees want.
Welcome to Training with Eaze, a blog designed to assist you in creating amazing online training programs. If you’ve never set up an online training program, want tips on providing better training, or perhaps training is not your full-time job but one of many other tasks you handle, this blog is here to help you.
7 Tips for Small Businesses to Meet Generation Z’s Expectations for Great Training
Topics: online training
Why Use Photos to Enhance Employee Training Programs
Did you know that pictures are more effective than words in capturing employees’ attention with training programs? As a society, we’re bombarded every day with the latest in creative media. Text now is boring. Here’s how to use photos to enhance your employee training program.
Topics: online training
How Small Businesses Can Create Better Employee Training
Topics: online training
As a small business owner or trainer, how often do you ask employees for ways you can help them do their job better?
Topics: online training
5 Ways Small Businesses Can Create Personalized Employee Training Experiences
Training employees as a group may be a convenient method for small business owners and trainers. But is it the best learning experience for employees? Usually, not, experts say.
Topics: online training
“Talk the talk, walk the walk,” is a common expression businesses use it to encourage leaders and employees to live the company brand in every aspect of their work. But for team members to support the company brand, they must understand it. This means businesses must teach and coach employees to be brand ambassadors. Here’s how to do it with online training.
Topics: online training
Why Branding Online Training Opens New Windows for Employee Engagement at Small Businesses
The demands of running a small business exceed most people’s understanding. The business is more than a name and a product. There are the daily struggles to sell products, engage employees, and generate money to keep the lights on.
Topics: online training
4 Ways to Help Employees Become Exceptional Communicators
As a small business owner, have you ever decided not to hire a job applicant who had the knowledge and abilities (hard skills) you needed, but struggled to communicate effectively (soft skills)? You’re not alone. More than 90 percent of businesses rate soft skills as a critical priority when hiring new team members.
Topics: online training
5 Ways Online Training Connects Employees in Multiple Locations
Small businesses with multiple office locations or with associates who travel for the company struggle with the same problem: keeping employees connected. But for business success, all employees need the same knowledge and must follow the same policies and protocols. Here are five reasons online training connects employees in multiple office locations.
Topics: online training