The busyness of work and life can be overwhelming. As a small business, it’s easy to get caught in the trap of getting the urgent things done, but not the important. If you’re responsible for employee training, it’s probably one of the tasks that easily gets bumped by the crisis-du-jour.
Microlearning can help you maintain your priorities. It’s easy to set up, so it doesn’t take a lot of your day. And you’ll enjoy the rewards of having knowledgeable employees who can effectively serve customers and sell products. Learn more about the benefits of microlearning by reading this blog.
1. Keep content short and simple – The goal of microlearning is to provide bursts of
2. Use the right tools – Microlearning is easy to set up if you use the right learning management system (LMS), like Traineaze. The online training software should make it easy to create each training segment. And once the information is published, it’s easy to go in and update the content with new information. Or, you can customize each training topic with information pertinent for specific groups of employees. Review this blog to learn more tips on developing online training.
4. Tell stories – Employees love to hear stories about customers, products, and business opportunities. It’s the best way to communicate key points that employees will remember. Stories connect with people at a deeper level.
As you develop the story, jot down the sequence of the details, so it’s easy for listeners to follow. Set up a great beginning, identify several key points that will draw listeners’ attention, and create a great summary to sell the final point of the story and make it memorable. Employees love trading stories that stand out in their minds.