Training with Eaze

Want to Upskill Employees? Online Training Simplifies the Process

Written by Coleen Gowen | Apr 7, 2021 11:00:00 AM

How we do “work” has changed this past year significantly. Across the country, employees are working remotely. And businesses of all sizes are struggling to keep workers engaged and supporting business growth.

Most employees want to grow and develop and help their employers succeed. But since in-person training options are on hold at many businesses, employees can’t get the learning experiences they desire. If you are thinking about upskilling employees, here's how online training software simplifies the process. 

Assists with recruitment and retention
The majority of employees are interested in continuous learning experiences. They want to enhance their knowledge and skills. According to research conducted by an LMS vendor, 74% of employees who didn’t receive training opportunities at their current job were interested in looking for an employer who gave them a chance to reskill and upskill. So, providing upskill learning experiences can help you find and keep talented workers.

Provides purpose
Employees want to learn continually. Since most have been working from home, they haven’t had access to work learning experiences. However, 42% of employees surveyed said they have independently pursued training this past year. Many employees who have been working from home say they feel stuck. They have worked on new projects and had online team meetings once or twice a week. But they are frustrated. They do not have new learning experiences. They have turned in record numbers to watching online videos to learn new skills or retool existing expertise. These independent learning experiences give them a sense of purpose and a goal for self-improvement.

Increases expertise
Personal and professional growth are two key reasons why employees want learning experiences. They know that improving their expertise could lead to a promotion or raise. In fact, in the survey, 33% indicated that they attended training courses in hopes of getting promoted; 29% said they sought training opportunities to earn a raise. If you cannot give employees job promotions or raises, you can provide other rewards and perks that employees value, such as better benefits, employee discounts, or flexible schedules.

Boosts productivity
About 66% of employees surveyed report that developing hard skills is more valuable to their career than soft skills. However, about 53% said that developing soft skills also is essential. Overall, 62% of respondents indicated they would do any training if it helped them get promoted. Employees also say that training helps them perform better at work, and employers agree. About 81% of workers and 91% of businesses surveyed believe that training boosts productivity.

Makes learning flexible – While most employees are open to training, that helps them do a better job. At least 60% said they preferred flexible, online training. Workers want the convenience of participating in learning experiences when it suits them. And they want to use any digital device, such as their smartphone, tablet, or computer.

With online training software, you can set up the learning modules employees want to that provide hard-skill, or soft-skill training employees want. Workers can watch modules anywhere, at any time, and using any digital device. Learn about the differences in training software and how to develop a training plan.



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