Over 61 million young workers are flooding the labor force. Born after 1996, this newest group, called Generation Z, are rolling up their sleeves and want to make a difference for their employers. In return, they expect more than a paycheck. They want employers to provide
1. Be relevant – Generation Z employees see their college degree as just one step on their educational journey. They have a learning mindset. Many spend hours each week watching educational YouTube videos to develop expertise in different areas. Research shows that 44% of Generation Z employees believes their on-the-job training is valuable, and 88% say they expect employers to provide formal training. So don’t disappoint young employees. Provide the training and learning experiences they desire.
2. Go digital – Generation Z employees have grown up in a digital world. They have not known life without the internet. They have used social media extensively, where information sharing is fast-paced and constantly changing. Traditional education methods are boring (think meeting room with PowerPoint slides shown on a large screen).
3. Keep it short – When creating training modules, it’s tempting to combine a lot of information in each topic. But don’t. Gen Z employees prefer short and simple training programs on one specific topic vs. longer modules with lots of details. So focus on designing bite-sized training modules, called microlearning, to capture employees’ attention. Remember, Gen Zers are used to getting information quickly on social media. They expect the same from their online training modules.
4. Be real – Generation Z employees are good at spotting content that is cheesy or photos that
To learn more about how to write for Generation Z workers, review these articles:
"The ABCs of Gen Z"
"If You Write OK in Answer to a Question, Your Millennial and Gen Colleagues May Think You’re Mad at Them. Seriously."
5. Encourage self-study – Generation Z employees like to absorb information to enhance their understanding. So for each training module, include some links to web pages that provide additional details on the topics. Hint: include YouTube videos whenever possible. You’ll be a big hit with your younger workers.
6. Keep information fresh – Younger workers expect training modules to contain new and
7. Embrace idea-sharing – Set up information coffee breaks or lunches for Gen Z employees to share what they’ve learned with other workers. Encourage younger workers to do some self-study on topics to expand on the training modules. Ask them to teach the information and ideas they learn to help other employees grow and develop in new areas.